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Geistwald LARP

Geistwald Official Rulebook 1.4 + Change log

Good Morning Jaegers!

Fasten your Rigs and brace yourselves. It is time!

With no further delay the Geistwald Staff is proud to present to you, the much anticipated Geistwald Official Rulebook 1.4!

Prepare yourselves. It looks like a lot. However, a good amount of these changes are clarifications and rewording. That being said, we have changed enough that Staff will be allowing Respecs (For Free) in regards to Character Point Purchases. For any questions/comments/concerns about your character or build that may have been affected by these changes, please email staff at

The following document contains a list of changes and clarifications between v1.3 and v1.4. There are a great deal of updates, so be sure to review these documents. Very minor wording/verbiage updates may not be reflected in this document.

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